
emerge around求譯


A virtual cottage industry has emerged around finding innovative uses for smartphones, well beyond basic calling, texting and Internet access. In particular, there’s been a lot of interest in turning iPhones into something like the Star Trek medical tricorder. 請教emerge around的意思論語全文翻譯


因為這裡的 emerge 是針對產業而言, 以前並沒有這類型的產業,後來才有, 所以這裡試翻譯成「新興產業的掘起」。 around 是圍繞著某事物, 所以這裡試翻譯成「靠著.....為主」。 cottage industry 是在家以手工生產,有別於在工廠的大量生產, 所以這裡試翻譯成「工作室型態的產業」。 整段應該是在講設計 App 的產業: A virtual cottage industry has emerged around finding innovative uses for smartphones, well beyond basic calling, texting and Internet access. 一種像是工作室型態的新興產業, 靠著開發智慧型手機的創新應用為主,已然掘起, 遠遠突破了基本的通話,簡訊和上網功能。 In particular, there's been a lot of interest in turning iPhones into something like the Star Trek medical tricorder. 特別是,已經有很多人有興趣把 iPhone 轉變成 像在「星際迷航」電影中的隨身醫療掃描器。 2013-06-07 23:19:17 補充: 掘起 → 崛起


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